The mine concession covers an area of 2,000 Ha and is currently held under a mining permit, Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) No. 516/2009 issued by the regional government on 8th December 2009 for a period of 20 years with an extension grant of 10 years. The permit is in the “Operasi Produksi” (Production) stage and the land is not affected by any forestry permit. All aspects of coal getting, exploration, drilling, analysis and data management work has been studied and validated by our mine consultants under JORC code.



The SEM deposit is sub-bituminous coal occuring in the Miocene age Warukin Formation, and is geologically simple, with a total of 7 coal seams identified. A single main seam occurs which ranges in thickness up to 7.5m with an average seam thickness of 4.8m. The mine can be described as “multi seam, shallow dip, open cut coal mine”.
